Our History

Over 90 Years of Caring for Your Loved Ones

Geer Village Senior Community is a nonprofit organization that encompasses 5 different 501 c3 entities.

Geer is supported by a number of sources, the largest of which is payments received for Nursing and Assisted Living services. This represents income received from residents directly or government and private healthcare companies to cover the costs providing residence and healthcare to the seniors we serve.

A significant portion of this includes payments received from the State of CT for care provided to low income seniors in the Skilled Nursing facility.  Geer uses this support to provide a number of programs and services to support older adults and disabled individuals in need of long term or short-term healthcare or services.

Geer is a nonprofit healthcare organization providing care to seniors and their families through all the stages of aging with tender, skilled care, available day or night – regardless of their insurance coverage or ability to pay.

MilestonesA Brief History of the Geer Village Senior Community


The Robert C. Geer Memorial Hospital Incorporated opened and served the tri-state area as a general hospital until about 1945. The Hospital was initially funded by two sisters in memory of their late brother, Robert C. Geer.


Geer opened the 120-bed Geer Memorial Health Center, a state-of-the-art nursing facility. The new Geer Memorial Health Center quickly established itself with physicians and professional caregivers as a premier provider of skilled nursing care.


The Geer Adult Day Center opened, as an alternative to more expensive home care, in response to the growing number of elderly individuals in need of care during the day when their caregivers were at work. Today it is the second oldest continuously operating adult day center in Connecticut and one of the oldest in the country. Geer remains committed to offering the elderly an alternative to being left alone at home all day.


To address the isolation of the elderly and disabled in a rural area without public transportation, Geer instituted what has now become the largest specialized transportation service in the tri-state area. Geer’s fleet of vehicles serves families in an area of more than 500 square miles every day, not only transporting the elderly and disabled to Geer’s Adult Day Center, but also to medical appointments, shopping, recreational and cultural events.


Geer opened Beckley House, a 34-unit residence for limited income seniors. The mission and culture of Beckley House is not simply to provide shelter, but to become a home and “family” from which the elderly can continue to be, or again become, independent members of the community.


Geer opened a non-profit retail pharmacy giving residents, employees and family of Geer campus employees access to prescription drugs below retail prices.


Geer opened the Lodge – an assisted living residence and regional gathering center. It is home to independent, assisted and memory-impaired residents. The Lodge also includes a full-service YMCA available to the residents, employees and community.


Geer Nursing & Rehabilitation Center achieve a perfect score on the annual State Survey Inspection and achieves a 5-star CMS score.


Our Future is bright! Geer received a Certificate of Need from the State of CT and a $2.2 million grant to begin the process of building a new Skilled Nursing Facility and beginning to re-imagine the current Skilled Nursing Facility into additional low-income senior housing.